Top 5 River Rafting Spots in India

Top 5 River Rafting Spots in India

The beginning of May brings lot of hopes to all the adventure enthusiasts in India. Infact, this is the time when people actually don’t feel bad about the approaching summers. And this proves that not everything is bad about summers, Infact it opens up a lot of opportunities for travelers, including the adventure activities that are offered in several destinations across the country. River Rafting is one such enthralling water activity that has gained lot of popularity among Indians in the last couple of years. In India, the trend of adventure sports is relatively new. However, it is definitely one trend that’s fast catching up, especially with the youngsters. Today most family tour operators have included river rafting in their itineraries. With this article, we encourage you to try this fantastic activity and can choose the best rafting destination in India for yourself. Without adding anything further let’s GO with the FLOW!


Ganga River, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand :

Possibly one of the best places to try every water sport in India, Rishikesh is an adventure house, which also offers other adventurous activities such as, trekking, rock climbing and more. And when it comes to River Rafting, it is possibly the most recommended and visited places to try this sport in India. Stretching from Shivpuri to Lakshman Jhula, approximately 16 kilometers in total, there are as many as 13 rapids that can be experienced in the River Ganges. Set on the banks of the holy Ganges (Ganga), Rishikesh is also the most preferred adventure destination for tourists across the globe.
Best Season for Rafting:
Mid September to Mid June


Indus River, Ladakh :

Stretched over a distance of approximately 3,180 km, the Indus, also known as the Sindhu river is one of the longest rivers in Asia. Originated in the mountains of Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, the river flows between the mountains that are endowed with natural beauty and will make it difficult for you to decide whether you should enjoy the scenery or pay attention to your adventure sport. Such distraction is desirable and only available when you engage in white water rafting in Indus River that provides you with an amazing one kilometer long rapid at Nurla.
Best Season for Rafting: July to September


Kundalika River, Kolad Maharashtra :

Located in the Sahyadri Ranges, Kundalika River in Kolad is also one such place that earns top spots in the list of rafting sites in India. Kundalika is a very small river which flows from the Sahyadri Hills to the Arabian Sea. The river originates from Maharashtra’s small town known as Bhira. Just 121 KM away from Mumbai city, the place with its lovely natural settings has the potential to impress you at the very first sight. Kolad is one of the best weekend getaway spots in this region and it is probably the only river rafting places in India that is open all round the year. The most suitable time to enjoy river rafting here is during the Monsoon, as the water then is at its full capacity.
Best Season for Rafting: June to August


Teesta River, Darjeeling :

Teesta River is a 309 km long river flowing through the Indian states of West Bengal and Skkim is one of the most favored rivers for rafting. What really adds on to the fun and adventure is the beautiful surroundings that you’ll pass through during the course of your rafting experience. Stones and rocks spread around only amplify the beauty of the river and rapids here in the river are variable and largely depend on the flow of the water. However experts suggest that, it is only in the Monsoon that the rivers in this region are not suitable for the sport of rafting and therefore you must choose to engage in white water rafting in the months of the year that are relatively dry. The route offering the Rafting experience is 15 km long. It starts from Tarkhola and ends in Melli.

Best Season for Rafting: October to April


Beas River, Kullu – Manali :

Beas River in Kullu-Manali is yet another best suited and good rafting destination in India.
In the Kullu Valley, the river rafting commences at Pirdi and further goes up to Jhiri covering a stretch of about 14 km. More so, some of the rapids are strong enough to leave you exhilarating memories. The journey would take an hour and a half, but the memories will stay for a lifetime. The picturesque scenery of the river Beas and the thrill of the rapids is certain to make this day memorable for all your adventure seekers. You can enjoy your love for rafting all-round the year except during the period from July to September.
Best Season for Rafting: Mid September to April

River Rafting is a highly thrilling and an extremely adventurous activity to try. But those who have done it once, know that it's worth getting hooked to. One very important factor about River Rafting is that comprises of different zones and difficulty grades. The International Scale of River Difficulty has divided these levels into six.

Grade 1: Very small rough areas; suitable for beginners.
Grade 2: Slightly larger rough areas; basic padding skills will do.
Grade 3: Small waves and drops, not around very rocky areas.
Grade 4: Medium waves and drops, rocky terrain increases; should have sharp manoeuvring skills.
Grade 5: Large volume waves with large drops and rocks; need precise manoeuvring skills.
Grade 6: Huge waves and drops, highly rocky terrain; to be attempted by professionals only.

Before trying this adventure please make a point that there is a skilled trainer with your team.

Adventure enthusiasts who love water sports should definitely include these top 5 river rafting destinations on their list for a truly exhilarating experience. If you have any more places in mind that we haven’t covered do drop us a message in the comment section.